Wednesday 29th July 2020

Hosted Infrastructure Maintenance, scheduled 3 years ago

Dear Customer,

Please be aware that there are two separate periods of essential maintenance due to take place on our hosted infrastructure next week. This work is being undertaken as part of the remediation plan following the recent service interruptions experienced by our hosted customers at the beginning of the month.

The maintenance will take place on consecutive days starting with Wednesday 29th July 00:01 – 02:00 and the second on Thursday 30th July 00:01 – 02:00. During these times Advanced will be performing software upgrades to the network switches that were impacted during the incidents that occurred on the 6th and 9th of July and during each window your hosted service will be unavailable.

Please be re assured by the fact that we are undertaking the maintenance at this time to reduce any additional risk to your services and will have the necessary resources from Advanced available to react immediately in the event of any unforeseen issues.

Maintenance Windows

Wednesday 29th July 00:01 – 02:00

Hosted Services Affected: All Hosted Services

Thursday 30th July 00:01 – 02:00

Hosted Services Affected: All Hosted Services

Advanced understand the impact that maintenance windows of this type can have on your service and have taken all reasonable steps, to ensure that the timings cause as little disruption to our customer base as possible. If you are unsure if your service will impacted by the by the aforementioned works please contact the Advanced Service Desk through the normal channels.

We would advise customers to ensure that their standard operating procedures are current and in place. For those Adastra customers who are using a Service Continuity Tracker we would strongly advise that these are tested in advance of the scheduled maintenance. If assistance is required with any testing the Advanced service desk will be on hand to assist. This message was sent to all customers and a reminder will be sent the morning before this is due to occur. Please pass this message on to any of your staff who may be operational during the scheduled maintenance period. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Service Desk via the support portal.

Kind regards, Advanced Service Desk

Please contact us via our Support Portal.